LandMark Designs
LandMark Designs
11604 Grandview RD.
Kansas City, M0 64137

Don't stick your logo into a template! Your business is unique and your web presence should be too. With our web services, you are the designer, we just make your dreams a reality. Tell us what colors, look and feel you want and we will make it happen. Your website is a 24/7 sales person, make sure that sales person is giving your potiental customers the right message. Give us a call and see how we can help put your greatest sales person to work!


Being on the internet is good, but that trend has started to catch on. So now what do you do to make sure you stand out? "Search Engine Optimization" uses keywords of your service and/or product to help customers find you. These keywords help pop your website up infront of your competition. The average user usually won't search past one page on google or yahoo. But, don't stop there you can also submit your site to Google, Yahoo, MSN and all the other search engines.

Web Analysis

Modern technology not only lets you know how many people are viewing your website, but now you can view:

•Who is visiting your site for the first time
•Where are they coming from
•Which day is your site most visited
•Who is linked to your site
•What pages are they viewing
•How long are they viewing each page

Being on the internet isn't enough anymore,
make sure you are getting ahead of your competition!
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