Be Found
Be Found
Highway 45 and 9
Parkville, MO
(816) 584-2625
The person you most want to interact with, to find your website or blog, is someone who is looking for the products or services you offer. Good S.E.O. helps people find what they're looking for and it helps businesses be found by the people looking for them.
There are two ways to come up high in the search results - the paid ads that appear in a different color, and the natural search results that list page after page of businesses. You pay as you go for the ads - money is spent as peole click on the ads. People have a strong preference for the natural (also called "organic") search results. Your investment here impacts all search engines, and has lasting value (although there is some maintenance needed).
Our clients include national companies such as Wally Amos' cookie company, Chip and Cookie, and the American Association of Grant Professionals, as well as local companies like the area's largest solar energy and wind power company, The Energy Savings Store.
Websites designed by Be Found have integrated S.E.O. into the structure, making your website work harder and S.E.O. more effective.
Your website is one of the most important marketing tools your oganization has. It creates a fantastic opportunity to reach your buyers with targeted messages that cost a fraction of traditional marketing budgets.
The web is diffferent than conventional forms of markting. Instead of one-way methods of interrupting and distracting, Web marketing is about delivering useful content at exactly the moment a potential customer is looking for it.
The Web has transformed the rules of marketing. It's less push and more pull: less sales pitch and more valueable content. We help convert lookers to buyers. See our projects page for examples.
A blog allows you to engage your web visitors. While websites can be good sources of information, blogs are vehicles to connect with readers on an emotional level. Typically a blog is maintained by one person who is passionate about a subject and wants to tell the the world about a particular idea. Small companies using blogs can compete effectively against larger companies. Individuals have built personas and blogged their way to new jobs.
Your blog's visibility to Search Engines is dependent on a number of factors. We can guide you through the process, or set up and maintain a blog for you.
See Lynn Hinkle's blog for an example of a WordPress blog Be Found created.
