Blue Molecule
Blue Molecule
7518 Weaver Avenue
Maplewood, MO
(314) 496-2412
What can Search and Internet Marketing do for You?
In the early days of the Intel Corporation, an engineer came to then CEO Gordon Moore with an idea to build a computer for the home. Moore asked why anyone would need a home computer, and the reply was that housewives could use it to store recipes. Moore thought the idea of his wife cooking at the stove and poking at the computer was ridiculous, and passed on the idea. Fast forward a few decades, and we know one of the most lucrative ideas of all time was cast aside because it was not fully understood.
The same problem tends to come up when Search Engine Optimization, Specialized Search Programs, or other Internet Marketing campaigns are brought up. Many organizations do not fully understand what these terms refer to, so they pass on the idea to invest in them. Our aim is to first make sure that you understand what these techniques can do for you, then to help you decide if they are right for your oganization.
•Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a means of driving organic traffic to your site. Learn More about SEO.
•Specialized Search Programs allow you to drive a specific type of relevant surfer to your site, often times for only pennies. Learn More about Specialized Search.
•E-mail Campaigns and Newsletters allow you to connect with your audience on a more personal level. Whether you want to keep you customers informed of what’s going on with your organization, or if you want promote a product or special offer, E-mail campaigns and Newsletters are a cost-effective way to get your message out.
