Caledon Virtual
Caledon Virtual
Suite 302
1001 Cherry Street Centre
Columbia, MO
(573) 256-2200
Only a few short years ago, an online presence was a fad, a luxury that hopefully would occasionally draw an inquiry from a potential buyer. Today an integrated, efficient online marketing program is as indispensable as the sign on your office door.
At Caledon Virtual we have a history of successful online website designs as long as your arm and as near as your mouse. Check them out in our Portfolio section.
But even the most intriguing, attention-grabbing website is worthless if nobody sees it. So we’ve made it our business to become experts at search engine optimization, search engine marketing, banner ad placement, e-marketing and other web strategies designed to make sure your site is seen by the maximum number of potential buyers.
At first hearing “social networking†sounds like just another electronic age fad like “Facebook†or “texting†or “twittering.†At Caledon Virtual, we know the important difference is that social networking can create sales. The concept is simple: find (or even create) a network of individuals with tastes and preferences that just happen to coincide with whatever it is you’re selling. Eureka! That way you can get your message across to hundreds of prime prospects at the same time.
(We’re currently building a network for a client that will have nearly 3,000 members, all of whom will be very interested in what our client has to say and sell.) That’s targeted marketing at its best and most efficient.
