Captiva Marketing
Captiva Marketing
10805 Sunset Office Drive
Sappington, MO
(314) 822-3656
It seems that every web design firm and ad agency these days is offering search engine marketing services. Certainly, understanding how to implement the basic elements of search engine optimization and run a CPC advertising program do not require extensive skills or training. What differentiates Captiva Marketing is that search engine marketing is our primary core competency.
Our senior managers have been optimizing sites since 1999, the same year Google moved out of their garage.
We have been running cost per click advertising programs since popularized the concept and were some of the first in the country to use Google AdWords.
Our client experience ranges from optimizing simple static sites for small businesses to implementing comprehensive online marketing strategies for global corporations like sanofi-aventis to consulting with major online retailers like Eddie Bauer and
For typical campaign, we have developed and refined a formal process that has been implemented successfully across approximately 500 websites. You can read more about our process below.
Research & Strategy
To develop effective search engine marketing programs, we engage in an extensive review of your current keywords, site structure, level of competition, level of existing algorithm compliance, level of existing link popularity, and other elements to determine whether a campaign can be designed within your budget that will realistically provide results with an effective ROI.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is the process of making one’s site comply with the search engine ranking algorithms so that it ranks well in the free (organic) listings. It is typically broken into “on-page†factors that are controlled by integrating keyword phrases into the site and making it spider friendly and “off-page†factors that are determined by the quantity, quality, and structure of links coming into the site.
Cost Per Click Advertising (CPC)
Depending on the level of bid competition, search volume, and target cost per lead/sale, we typically utilize some form of CPC advertising in the campaigns we develop. By using negative keywords, stricter matching methods, and other methods to improve Quality Scores, we can often design CPC advertising programs that will have a positive ROI.
Campaign Management
Unlike many other forms of marketing, online marketing benefits from powerful web analytics software that provides us with tons of data on how your campaign is working. By analyzing this data, we can make adjustments such as adding content, adjusting CPC bids, and engaging in more PR or link building. The overall goal is to take advantage of opportunities while reducing expenses associated with efforts/costs that are not providing an acceptable return.
