Entrepreneur Advertising Group
Entrepreneur Advertising Group
2120 Washington
Kansas City, MO 64108
By Phone: 816.842.0100
By Fax: 816.283.0411
Websites & Interactive Strategies
There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of options to create a website and other online marketing tools. But building a website without incorporating your brand can be ineffective at best. If you build it, will they come? Not without search engine optimization, a pay-per-click strategy or other methods to drive traffic. Small business websites require even greater energy and understanding of the marketplace to make sure that your site competes with the big guys.
Science of MarketingWe can’t teach entrepreneurs to be risk-takers. They just come that way. What we can do is teach entrepreneurs to be better marketers.
We guide you by teaching you big-brand strategies that are adaptable to any size business. We understand the science of marketing by studying the world’s most successful brands, then we translate that learning into practical business applications.
At EAG, we believe small business miracles begin with education.
Creativity is why we get up in the morningSmall business creativity is thinking, reacting, and working in an imaginative way that result in a high degree of innovation and originality and risk taking. Small business creativity is also practical.
Imagine being surrounded by the creative energy of brilliant entrepreneurs and being asked to come up with a new idea. That’s challenging and that’s what we face every day.
Our clients are demanding and have good reason to be. They’ve trusted us to accurately and passionately extend their vision with creative advertising messages.
We never forsake solid strategy for our creative egos. Sometimes the budget just won’t allow us to produce our first idea, or our second. But we’re okay with that. We’re in it for the long haul.
Copyright © 2009 Entrepreneur Advertising Group, LLC.
