224 North Highway 67
Suite 276
Florissant, Missouri 63031
Phone: 636-262-9387

LCA offers a captivating way to attract your target audience to buy from you. Get a better return on your marketing investment by promoting your product and services with advanced broadcast quality video and production services to your local market. Using search marketing tactics properly applied with internet video marketing of a small business has a distinct advantage on the net. Why? Well, marketing analysis has determined that people purchase 90% of their needs from within a 10 miles radius of where they actually physically live. As people use the web more and more in daily life it is natural that if these same people find YOUR local business when they search the web for a solution to a problem that YOU then become their chosen solution. This is search marketing in action, locally.

LCA Online media experts help ID your target audience that is important to you and offer high quality advertising to your target audience

Compelling message versus text
A talking website converts better than one that does not offer any kind of audio or video In an online market place you need to explain that your product or service is better than others.

Let LCA make sure all your video is available in all preferred media file formats, from Quicktime to Windows Media

•Minimum Resolution 640X480 or higher
•Frame Rates- Mandaory of 23 =96 30 fps
•Video Bitrate - minimum of 5Mbps +
•PAR (Pixel Aspect Ratio) 1:1
•Aspect Ratios- 4:3 or 16:9
Get included and indexed on:
•Google Video
•Yahoo Video
•Widgets & RSS
Great Solutions for:
•Contest & Promotions
•Community Platforms
•Social Networking
•Viral Promotion
In an online market place you need to explain that your product or service is better than others.

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