Robin's Nest Websites
Robin's Nest Websites
Robin L. Paone
420 Oakwood Avenue
Webster Groves, MO 63119

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO helps potential customers find you on the internet. I have developed a detailed SEO software development template which has brought phenomenal success.

SEO is the "art" of updating web site software to present key information to search engines which can be readily identified, classified and indexed. If your business relies on customers seeking out what you sell but not necessarily knowing your company name or web site name then SEO can give your business a boost. It helps potential customers who are searching the internet for a product or service to be directed to your web site.

A note about Search Engine VISIBILITY: Search Engine Optimization only works if you have "Search Engine Visibility". Search Engine Visibility for a web site means that is is "known" across the world wide web in many locations so search engines can easily find it and index it.

Therefore, publish your web site in as many places as you can. Network with friends, colleagues and companies with whom you do business to get links to your web site added on their web site. Be sure to add your web site to online directories for professional societies and business organizations.

Other techniques for improving SEO are a bit trickier. Check back with Robin's Nest for a future "SEV" (Search Engine Visibility) service offering. I'm working on it!

The first step to Search Engine Optimization is identifying primary keywords that best describe your business or web site purpose. Also gathering words that might be commonly used by potential customers to search for a business like yours.

Once this initial step is complete then I use my proprietary SEO template to start optimizing your web site software. It is a 9-step process that works on all aspects of the web site, from underlying structure and meta data to modification of text. A test version of your optimized web site will be made available to you so have the opportunity to make any further adjustments before it it deployed. And, I will write a full report for you detailing all software modifications I made for optimization. This thorough report runs about 10 pages in length.

Before deployment a "baseline reading" of your optimization and visibility on the internet is taken. In the months after deployment of your optimized web site you can use this reading to gauge improvement. It will take several weeks or more for your optimizations to trickle through the internet. And, be sure you are publicizing your new web site on the internet to help this process.

With SEO being an "art" the need for fine-tuning the optimization is a real possibility. Still, dramatic improvement should be obtained if your web site has never been optimized.

Copyright © Robin's Internet Technologies, LLC 2009
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