P.O. BOX 956
Kearney, MO 64060
Many things can be done to increase traffic and awareness of a web site. However, there is no one solution or trick to guarantee a rocket ride to the top. Search engines and directories, such as Google and Yahoo, can be a great asset for increasing traffic. However, these services should not be used as a replacement to traditional advertising and marketing.
Before registering with search engines, TCOM will do several things to optimize your web site as much as possible. A list of keywords and key phrases specific to your web site will be compiled based on those that users search for most frequently. These search terms will be included as appropriate in the content of your web pages, which is the single most important factor to high ranking in the search engines. They will also be used in the "meta tags" which are part of the code that creates your web pages and are often used by search engines to determine a web site's ranking.
According to industry statistics, the top 10 search engines account for the vast majority of search traffic (studies vary from between 85 and 98 percent). In fact, many of the engines are merely front ends for other technologies; so it is not necessary to register with the thousands of services available. TCOM will register your web site with the major search engines that currently do not charge a fee for inclusion. The relationships between various search engines are somewhat complex, but simply put, by registering your web site with just a few major engines you will be listed in many more.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the massive volume of requests submitted to the engines, it is not uncommon for it to take over 6 weeks for a submission to register in an index. You will need to be patient.
Another critical factor in determining your web site's rank in the search engines is to have other web sites link to yours. TCOM will gather a list of some suggested web sites for these "inbound links" and provide you with information and assistance to obtain them. In addition, your web site will be automatically linked with the other web sites created with siteLaunchTM, giving you a ready-made set of inbound links to help jump-start your web site's "link popularity".
All of this is included in your annual web site fee. There is no hidden cost. Some web sites, however, will benefit from more aggressive search engine marketing. For these web sites, we offer two additional levels of service at very reasonable prices.
Basic Service - included in your annual web site fee
Identification of up to key word phrases for the package you have purchased
Creation of optimized Title tag, Description tag and Keywords tag for main navigation pages
Creation of optimized Alt attributes for Image tags
Assistance with optimizing page text for key word phrases
One time unpaid submission to Google, Yahoo and MSN.
Premium Service - $3,500 set up fee, $600 per month (pay-per-click fees additional)
All Basic services
One time unpaid submission to up to 3 additional web directories and up to 3 special interest sites
One time unpaid submission to up to 30 additional search engines
Paid submission to Google, Yahoo and MSN.
Development of links from up to 20 other web sites
Research and documentation of key word phrases and estimated costs for pay-per-click advertising
Assistance with development of pay-per-click ads for Yahoo and/or Google AdWords
Training and support to manage and maintain pay-per-click advertising accounts with Yahoo and/or Google AdWords
Monthly activity reports of pay-per-click advertising accounts available online
*One year annual commitment requirement for Premium Service
(Prices do not apply to Corporate Web Site packages)
Many companies today are selling Search Engine Optimization services, often at rates that are prohibitive to the small or medium-sized business. And unfortunately, there are also a number of services and software products available don't actually live up to their marketing claims. At TCOM, our approach to search engines is comprehensive and cost-effective. We stay informed about changes and trends in the search engine industry and use methods that really work
Copyright (c) 2000-2009 and TCOM Inc All rights reserved.
