Vibe Marketing Group
Vibe Marketing Group
19401 East 40 Highway
Suite 190
Independence, MO 64055
PHONE: 816.795.6067
FAX: 816.795.0596
A web site is much more than a few pages that pop up on the Internet when the proper address is typed – it’s your 24/7 storefront and often your business' first impression to potential clients. At Vibe Marketing Group we understand building a web site is part of an entire package. Web Packages include cutting edge technology, search engine optimization strategies that guarantee you top ranking position on Google and Yahoo, marketing your site to the public, Internet marketing, newsletters, postcards, and ongoing maintenance.
•Web Design and Development
•Internet Consulting
•Search Engine Optimization
•Search Engine Advertising and Pay Per Click Campaigns
•Performance Analysis
You’re not just a client, you’re a part of the marketing team. We want to get to know you and truly understand your business. And we absolutely want you to get to know us too.
Our group is dynamic! Lively! Energetic! And fun! Marketing your company should be exciting, stimulating and easy for you. Climb aboard with your Vibe team and enjoy the ride. But hang on, you’re about to soar.
Copyright 2007. Vibe Marketing Group
