1243 Water Tower Place
Suite #180
Arnold, MO 63010
We provide a full search engine optimization service to businesses small and large. While going into all the great things that a Search Engine Marketing firm can do, the fact that you're reading this page says that you already know what you're looking for. So we won't bore you with the details, we'll just show you what we can do and how you can benefit.
What Can We Do for Your Business?
First - a definition. Search Engine Optimization (sometimes refered to as (and similar to) Search Engine Marketing) is the process of optimizing your website so that the search engines (Google, Yahoo!, MSN and others) can "easily digest" the content of your site. There are two main parts of SEO:
Onsite Optimization
Onsite optimization means actually modifying the content of your web page(s) so that the search engines can easily understand what it is you are providing, whether its a service, product or otherwise. You pages are changed/modified in accordance with what we research out to be some of the most highly-searched terms in your industry.
Offiste Optimization
The other big part of helping a website rank higher is by doing things on other industry-related websites, such as linkbuilding, which will 'encourage' the search engines to rank you higher for certain keywords. These offsite links will give your website more authority in your industry, thus moving you up the search results.
So what can we do for your business?
Easy - we can help your business move closer to the top of the natural search results for your industry. Since most searchers rarely go to page three of Google results, it is imperative that your business be listed near the top.
What's the first step?
For all new customers, we highly recommend getting an SEO audit of your current website.
One-Time SEO Campaigns
We offer one-time SEO maintenance for businesses who do not have a large budget. These campaigns can be purchased over and over again as your business has the finances. There are no recurring fees with these packages.
One Time Campaign Purchase
$300 - 4 hours of SEO work
$600 - 8 hours of SEO work
$900 - 12 hours of SEO work
$1200 - 16 hours of SEO work
To purchase one of these campaigns, visit this page.
Full SEO Campaigns
Full SEO campaigns vary in cost, strategy and time to implement. We suggest you contact us for information and pricing.
