Widick Marketing
Widick Marketing
415 Delaware Street
Suite 2E
Kansas City, MO 64105
Fax: 816-753-7795

Widick Marketing provides all the traditional and interactive services you need, but we're not your typical ad agency. Our approach is different. It requires us to get inside our clients' heads and know their business as well as they do... well, almost. We call it "Inside Your Head" marketing. We invite you to browse the site and take a glimpse at what's inside our heads.

Interactive and online communications have become an integral part of our clients' efforts to build relationships with their customers. Widick Marketing provides innovative and cost-effective interactive solutions including CD-ROMs, company videos, website design and development, and search engine marketing and submission. These forms of communication may be used to introduce a company or service, demonstrate a product in use or increase web traffic.

The world of Search Engine Marketing changes daily. We stay on top of those changes to help our clients succeed in this increasingly important area. From site architecture to content, site submissions to paid inclusion, we have the expertise to consult with web programmers and marketing staffs or provide turnkey implementation.

2010 Widick Marketing, Inc. All rights reserved
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