efluence Marketing
efluence Marketing
PO BOX 410431
Saint Louis, MO
(314) 266-4444

“Marketing my website, that’s my biggest challenge”
We often hear those words from our prospects or business owners we meet here in St Louis or even across the country for that matter.

Website marketing is challenging and time consuming. There are no easy short cuts, no “pill you can take” to get to #1 on Google.

It’s a “workout”. A planned, daily, weekly, monthly task.

You can NOT expect to start a diet or fitness routine, stay on it for 3 months and then stop your diet or workouts and expect to have the same results. The company that keeps up with their “website fitness plan” is the one that will continue to be an authority and rank well in the search engines. In turn, when search engine users are looking for information about your services you will not show up but your competition will.

The way you get to be an authority today will be different next year. Algorithms are constantly changing. Backlinks, fresh content and pageRank are important right now.

No matter what profession you’re in, whether you’re a lawyer, real estate agent, dentist, doesn’t matter, what’s crucial to understand is that however much time you spend trying to figure out what it takes to get to the first page, how Google ranks you, why you’re nowhere to be found in the search engine results, is time spent away from doing what you should be doing… practicing accounting, law, real estate.
It’s called Lost Opportunity.

Let us help you with your search engine placement. Let us take over the reigns contact us today for a free analysis of your website.

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