19 e 70th terrace
kansas city mo 64113
We hate flash! We are anthropologist and see the world through culturally tinted glasses. We have extensive experience in market research, especially in the area of ethnographic research. Having a background in anthropology has afforded us the ability to understand functional design and how it relates to social and cultural needs. Current web site design misses the mark not by a mile, but more like a thousand miles. 99% of web sites are designed for less than 40% of the population! And of that 40%, only a fraction really want to see flash. If a page does not load in 3 to 5 seconds, it's goodbye. Our approach to web design and marketing is from experience, not from knowing the latest flash application. The focus of web design must be on the end user's needs and desires, not what's the next coolest trick.
Understanding the importance behind web marketing is crucial in developing and keeping your internet audience. Perhaps your web site is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but if no one can find it, you've just wasted all your money on areal nice piece of internet real estate. You may have also have gone to Google and entered a few search terms to see how your site is ranked and scratched your head because your site is nowhere to be seen. Now what? If you want to understand the difference between SEO and ROI or why Search Engine Results differ with Google, Yahoo! & MSN, then download stöogez web marketing 101. You will learn about:
•what is SEO, ROI, SEM, KPI
•targetting web site traffic
•why are search engine results different with Google, Yahoo! & MSN
•understanding the difference betweer pay per click and organic search results
•and more
Copyright 2009 Stöogez
